MES Library
Welcome Back!
Get set for another exciting year at your library!
We have a great selection of Maine Student Book Award
books waiting to be signed out.
We are beginning to read books on the
Chickadee Award list as well.
Photos courtesy of &
Author Visits

Lynn Plourde

Chana Stiefel
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

The United Way of Aroostook launched the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program in Aroostook County. Every child living in Aroostook County from newborn up to age five, regardless of family income, can register their child to receive a free book in the mail each month from registration to their fifth birthday! Spread the word! This is an amazing literacy initiative! To register a child, go to and click on the Imagination Library logo to go to the registration page. If you have questions, contact theUnited Way at:
(207) 764-5197.
Master Resource List
- PebbleGo
- Common Core
- Virtual Field Trips I
- Virtual Field Trips II
- International Digital Library
- French Lessons
- Science Kids
- Art
- Virtual Museum
- DK Find Out
- Early Childhood
- Children's Book a Day Almanac
- Impact News
- Homework Helpers
- Coloring Pages
- Biographies
- Maine Facts
- Digital Maine Library
- Kid Safe Search Site
- Starfall
- Math
- Parent Resources
- Lexile
- Epic!
- Storyline Online
- Netflix Educational
Good Reads
- For All Ages
- For Younger Children
- Grade 3-6 Readers
- For Older Children

Keeping our children safe on online.
"Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology."
Using Technology Appropriately